CO2 neutral air conditioning, peace and reconciliation and more
Game changer: Everyone knows them, the iPhones. First the telephone was developed, then the computer. Steve Jobs has combined both – a real game changer.
It is very important to me to pursue many solutions, even in areas that at first glance have nothing to do with each other. Since I myself come from mechanical engineering and gardening and Landscaping in equal measure, I combined both to develop new technologies for CO2-neutral air conditioning. My developments and experiences may help you to develop real game changers in combination with other technologies.
I am sure that the AI will support you in this. But it will not replace the human spirit. Already Leonardo Da Vinci said around 1500: Knowledge is a child of experience. Perhaps the experiences of us older people in combination with other technologies and experiences will help you to create a better and safer future, not only in the field of CO2-neutral air conditioning.
New thoughts and solutions in the field of energy technology are absolutely necessary. Here we should not only use wind and solar, but also research and develop new technologies. In this regard, I am particularly interested in the range of resonance frequencies of materials.
I am currently building a flying refugee camp called Yellow Camp. Just take a look. It is about help, reconciliation and disarmament. Heart and mind come together here. So whatever you do, listen to your heart first. Then you create a better world, because strength is not violence, but turning away from it.
Once again to the CO2 neutral air conditioning: If you want to know more, just have a look at our website. There are also a few videos running here. For knowledge is a child of experience.
Your system inventor and real activist from Wolfenbüttel Germany
Matthias Rossberg